Resumes and Packets
PLEASE NOTE: Only a resume is required for recruitment. Packet images are only examples of how to neatly deliver to alumnae for recommendations. These should not be sent directly to chapters by Potential New Members.Membership recruitment is a period of mutual selection. It is a process during which you get to know about the sororities and members on your campus, and the sorority membership gets to know you. Recruitment activities might include open houses, informal events, and/or formal events. Often the final activities of recruitment are called “Preferentials,” and are formal events. NPC provides guidelines for college Panhellenic organizations to determine the exact dates and rules for recruitment on each campus. Remain flexible and stay connected to your university’s Panhellenic as we navigate recruitment in the midst of COVID 19.

During the first few days of Recruitment, you will be required to visit each NPC chapter at least one time. These events will be your first glimpse into sorority life. Take a small notepad with you and after each party, write down your impressions about the chapter.
Throughout the week, you will spend more time with the sisters learning about their chapter’s history, their activities on campus, seeing skits or videos and participating in activities.

It may be that you will not be matched with your first choice. Before declining the opportunity to join, consider that the sorority on your bid card already considers you a sister AND this sorority was one of your three preferences for membership. They feel that you would make a great sister and friend. You should give the chapter the same opportunity that they are giving you. If you decline an invitation to join, you will be ineligible to join a sorority for one calendar year.